The Fusion Bottle's three piece expendable design is made from BPA free plastic and stainless grade steel. It is compact, durable and light to carry around. More importantly, it's ability to infuse flavors with the use of sliced fruits mix with water makes drinking water fun. Say goodbye to bland, boring water and hello to tasty drinking water with our Fusion Bottle™ !
Style: Orange, Citrus Yellow, White, Blue, Black, Red, Green
⭐Portable & Easy to Carry
⭐Fruit Infuser - Adding Vitamin C to Your Drink w/ Sliced Fruit
⭐Non-Leak Compartments

Product Dimensions:
Fluid oz - 650 ML
What you will receive with this purchase:
1 Fusion Bottle with all parts included.
How many bottles do you recommend?
At least 2+ or more. One for personal and another to gift 😊
What makes your bottles different?
Our bottle adds flavor to what would be bland water. Plus they're reusable and easy to wash. Try us, we guarantee you'll love our bottles.